Sunday 22 September 2013

Change of Plans for Meet the Teacher Night

Hello Vista Families, 

Please refer to the note that was sent home on Friday regarding 'Meet the Teacher' night.  Due to our growing school population and small parking facilities 'Meet the Teacher' night has been divided into two night, Wednesday September 25th and Thursday September 26th.  I will be at Vista from 4:30-6:30 on Wednesday, September 25th. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write me a note in your child's agenda. I am looking forward to meeting many of you on Wednesday!!


Mme Lussier

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Vista Fundraiser!

Just like last year we will be selling magazine subscriptions to fundraise money for our school. For every magazine subscription sold, approximately $10 goes directly to the school! That means we will be able to purchase new technology for the classrooms (laptops, iPads), equipment for sports teams or maybe playground equipment! 

Our classroom goal is to have each student sell at least 3 subscriptions. If we can do this and have at least 51% of the class participate we get to have a ICECREAM SUNDAE PARTY!!! There are also many other great prizes to win!

The students are excited and motivated and we have until October 16th to sell so please help your child raise money for our school!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Say Cheese!

Tecumseh Vista students JK-4 will be having their photos done on Monday, September 23rd. Please fill out and return the form with the pose you and your child decided on indicated. Typically class photos are taken later in the year when photo retakes are taken.

La gymnase

Please do not forget that all students must have indoor gym shoes to participate in physical education this year. Please ensure you child has indoor shoes that stay at the school. Thank you!